Saturday, February 16, 2008

P#25, Re-Create Yourself

Power, Law #25. Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions--your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

It seems this is a Tara Stiles week for me. I apologize to my other muses for the neglect.

After fully embracing the down-homey farm girl persona of Tara teaching Yoga, I've watched her wonderful stretches and contortions and never tire of it. This is very rare for me, as the ADD usually kicks in quickly. But Tara has that magic combination for me of being visually stunning but also, and possibly even more important, her VOICE! OMG how PLEASING. Old style writers would describe it as dulcet tones with a girlish giggle, and just enough command to keep you moving on track. Any variation you may produce is "perfectly alright". Any stretch too far can be easily backed off on. Just perfect!

Perhaps because of the influence of my own years of running around with ballet dancers (in my youth), or the theatre "weirdness as normal" I've known, I (mostly!) watch her in spandex twisting and turning as "just" a person. Only occasionally will the libido kick itself into center stage with OMG, she's gorgeous! Look at that!

Well along with being a Yogini (wiki it) Goddess, Tara is also an actress. You can check her out on IMDB. Her latest movie, "Friends, with Benefits", has an adult theme. From this influence, I expect, pictures of a more alluring nature are showing up on her MySpace page. Just for the viewing of her 1,000+ closest friends so far. Nothing too explicit, one leaning toward Victoria's Secret or perhaps Maxim's style of revealing. Very beautiful and tasteful. But commenters, besides just myself, are wondering how to make tasteful expressions of friendly enjoyment and not sound like a stalker in the making, when grunts seem to over power the wordy side of the brain. Quite the struggle...

So, Tara looks to be in the process of coming off the farm into the big city. Re-creating herself, or perhaps just showing the steamier "adult" side to the world occasionally (for big $$). I will watch and wonder how she will manage the dichotomy. But I, for one, hope that the warm & fuzzy Tara stays around a long time.

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