Tuesday, July 29, 2008

pacifier #1

Pacifiers work. There are several benefits: relaxation, increased breathing, general mouth strength. The concept that the babies outgrow the urge for pacification is a myth.

Try one!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sulfur bad!

I read an article on bad breath on aol two weeks ago and tried several of the products, mentioned/listed below. I THINK my breath is fresher smelling to others. They are too nice to tell me when it's bad so-o-o... The BIG noticeable difference is that my throat tension decreased dramatically. I mean when I breathe, when I talk, when I sleep, ALWAYS! I used to wake up with a stiff sore neck, clutching my chin to my chest. Not anymore since using these anti-bacteria rinses. I wake up breathing comfortably. Weird! After 50+ years of discomfort!

I didn't want to wait and try each one individually so I went to Walmart and got one of each. Since they use different ingredients and approaches to the bacteria I figured the shotgun method should hit any bad there was in MY mouth. The reaction was almost immediate and almost overwhelming. Breathing noticeably relaxed within minutes, even better with hours, even better with days, even better now with two weeks. I started to RUN (OK jog) again, a bit. I haven't felt that comfortable urge this millennium.

Here's some sites & the wiki:

Halitosis from wiki:Mouthwashes often contain antibacterial agents including cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorhexidine, zinc gluconate, essential oils, and chlorine dioxide. Zinc and chlorhexidine provide strong synergistic effect. ...Other solutions rely on odor eliminators like oxidizers to eliminate existing bad breath on a short-term basis. Rinses in this category include TheraBreath, Closys and others. Formula sites/ Active ingredient:profresh.com / chlorine dioxide therabreath.com / Oxygen (OXYD-8)breathrx.com / ZYTEX®, anti-bacterial essential oils, zinc CloSYS.com / ,ALCOHOL Free so there is no burning or drying. My favorite:http://www.rowpar.com/overview.html The CloSYS Complete Oral Health System™ works differently than traditional oral care products because it kills germs and destroys volatile sulfur compounds at the source. With CloSYS™, you get an oral health system that kills bacteria that cause plaque, eliminates bad breath, reduces bleeding and inflamed gums and provides many other benefits for optimal oral health.Research links even mild gum disease with a number of other serious illnesses, making oral health one of the most important and easiest measures to improve your overall health. Using CloSYS™ daily improves the health of your teeth, and possibly your whole body!

If you want to breathe better...

'nuff said!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008



That link will get you to my new picture display site.

I've also got many of the same pix (at lower resolution) on Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/petepixxx/ . SmugMug is so much nicer to view & navigate.

Hit my mySpace page for music, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=303776365 .

Leave comments if you care to.

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

EyeQ #1

EyeQ #1.

I'm for it. EyeQ is one of the best systems I've found for improving reading ability.

I say ability, not just speed.

There are only a few different basic exercises that EyeQ does. Those exercises are WONDERFUL! There are a few variations on those themes, that I've found have helped me. I'll use this blog to discuss those.

Overview: EyeQ is based on "expanding vision" so that you see more words at a time. Also, they say to stop the many "bad habits" that most people have while reading; sub-vocalization, re-reading, etc. But which exercises do WHAT? How much of each is optimal? How much too much? How can you overcome specific weaknesses, like ADD, or a poor mental/visual system?

There is lots to explore.


Yoga #3

Yoga #3, Body Image, the spine.

When you close your eyes and just BE, what does it feel like?

When you "follow your breath" what does it feel like? What can it feel like?

Overview: The BODY is made up of a spine with appendages. First you work the spine, all else is secondary. Breathing "following the breath" "works" the spine.

Detail: The spine is an "S" curve. The Top of the curve is the head, the Bottom curve is the rib cage. When breathing there are only TWO "basic" movements: the ribs "expand" (rolling forward), and the head "tilts" upward (felt along the back of the neck). That's it!

HowTo: The most simple way to feel this is lying on your back, with your legs resting on a chair. Breath with the heart beat (3in/3out), VERY SLIGHTLY roll the back of the neck up and down (feels like EXTENDING the neck in the back, feels like dropping the chin to the chest). FEEL how the spine curves. The trunk of the body will "set up" the lower section below the neck. The ribs will FEEL fully connected down the body, and ALSO feel like they are FLOATING all my themselves. Doing "ballet arms" is the most basic way to get those appendages out of the way (like holding a real big beach ball).



Those Who Can't Do, Teach #1

The basic concept: If you can DO IT, then you will get much more reward for DOing it, than for TEACHing it.

1) You can only DO it for so long. You get tired of the same thing.
2) You can only DO it for so long. Other things need to be DOne, and take priority.
3) By DOing things as a youth, you experience that thing.
4) While DOing things, you talk to others also DOing that thing, but they DO it a bit differently.
5) As human life span increases DOing things needs to be RE-learned in later life. But HOW??

The devil's in the details. That'll get the main topic started for now...


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stand Up #9

Stand Up #9 - I'm being told...

Overview: Put your hand to your ear, lean forward and act like you're being interupted, getting the "breaking news" in your headpiece. Just like Jon Steward uses so well.


Song List #3

Song List #3, 08-0319

The last couple of weeks have been very good for finding new music and artists. I don't want to fall too far behind on the list so it stays somewhat manageable. Besides I get to listen to each song as I do the artist quick review!

Susan Gibson - she wrote Wide Open Spaces!!! The Dixie Chicks made it one of the most popular Country songs in history! Not quite the voice of DC but nobody does...
Chelsea Lena - She's country, but she ROCKS! I sent her link to WomenWhoRock and she said she was dancing all over the room!! She also has great covers and a variety of styles. She'll be big! WWR told me I have good taste in finding new artists, I agree!! But I get lucky too. I "mine" the comments from other artists like Jewel for "you inspired me!", for mini-Jewels in the making.
Pauline Croze - Frenchy! Great moody stuff!
Charlotte Overman - Super covers! Incredible voice and guitar sound like sittin' on pillows on the floor together, her playing just for you!
Pascale Picard Band - Folk music from BC Canada club circuit out west.
Buffy - Fell onto Eliza Dushku's personal website. She is so-o-o beautiful and so much more. She overshadows everyone else in all her movies and TV shows.
April Start - Indie Country Artist (ICA) haunting vocals...
Quincy Coleman - jazzy, bluesy, strong voice with style!
Emma Shapplin - classical voice used in wonderful new ways!
BRIANA CASH - Real Toe Tappin' Music!! When she sings -Honey!! I just feel/think YES! YES!
Kara Kay Music - 60's folk style, super simple and emotin' all over the place
FAST HEART MART - Head bobbin' music
Frank Sinatra Jr. - Ol' Blue Eyes, what else can you say?
Kenny Chesney - So many great songs, lots of links to him. ABut Mine is Surfer Dude fun.
AMBER LEIGH - Great "Country Bar" Style. Kind of weird but I love it when I'm in that mood.
April Start - Catches your ear quick and holds it! (ICA)
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Hello!! Lynyrd Skynyrd!!
RATT™ - few bands have the Ratt energy!
mike ehlers - the way a voice and guitar SHOULD sound!
Stephani Krise - Fell into "Song for You" looking for Leon Russell. She's too young to remember Leon, but she sings great, recorded "mushy" in mid-tones. Yes, I told her I thought so, how else to improve? I'm hoping she gets a more suitable mic system, and a better engineer, then watch her star shine! Luv her Pink Boots theme. Used her Opry Flags picture to set up Opry Key. Her's, of course, is Pink.
vince - weird that I like this glockenspeil stuff, but I've played it a LOT! I'm blaming the Yoga for relaxing me!
Andy McKee - soft and sweet guitar. DREAM ON!!
RIGHT SAID FRED - too-o-o sexy!

Here's the list.
Shape I’m InFrom Chin UpBy Susan Gibson
Good Ol Country SongFrom Lena/woeckener/atkinsonBy Chelsea Lena
Baiser d adieuFrom Un bruit qui courtBy Pauline Croze
Help Me Make ItBy Charlotte Overman
Smilin’’From me, myself and usBy Pascale Picard Band
Full Of GraceFrom BTVS Season 2By ☆ Buffy, The Vampire Slayer ☆
StayBy April Start
Want Me BackFrom Come CloserBy Quincy Coleman
La Notte Etterna RemixFrom EtternaBy Emma Shapplin
Take a Walk with MeBy BRIANA CASH
My ChildFrom "Just a Demo"By Kara Kay Music
TrustafarianFrom An Orange AlbumBy FAST HEART MART
i Get A Kick Out Of YouBy Frank Sinatra Jr.
Anything But MineFrom When The Sun Goes DownBy Kenny Chesney
Honey DoFrom RecklessBy AMBER LEIGH
I Don’t Need YouBy AMBER LEIGH
GrowFrom ChangesBy April Start
Free BirdFrom Lynyrd Skynyrd LyveBy Lynyrd Skynyrd
Round And RoundFrom Tell the WorldBy RATT™
stay with meFrom coming soonBy mike ehlers
Song for YouBy Stephani Krise
glockenspielFrom circus contraptionBy vince
RylynnFrom the thing that came from somewhereBy Andy McKee


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

vision #1

I have had all kinds of problems with my eyes. I'll use Vision# to blog updates.

Today I was looking at a maze. Mazes are really cool for vision analysis and training for several reasons. I start anywhere and try to SEE an extend WHITE passage way (line). Then I "Shift" and look at the DARK around it. Very cool.

It seems to me that the Shift from actually SEEing the white of a page, to THINKing of the black text as THOUGHTS describing the world, is the ESSESENCE of reading.

We have black letters but our eyes can NOT see black. How weird is that?

While looking at the maze I covered one eye. I could SEE that I could NOT see many vertical lines. My eyes vibrate side to side so it probably shouldn't have been such a surprise. But then, I tilted my head a bit and turned slightly sideways. I COULD SEE those same lines. My eyes were actually changing how clear things were by the tilt of the head and the angle of view. Lots more on this in the future!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Stand Up #8


Stand Up #8: mySpace TV is really only a premise to get people to watch Roommates.
Variations: Every try to watch stand up comedy, movie trailers, or other fun things on mySpace video? Seems that the default is always set up to go to Roommates, the TV show. BORING!!

8a) What us the criteria for showing the NEXT available videos? Tags, theme, what? No! More Roommates!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thou Shalt #1

Thou Shalt #1
This concept pretty much covers Religion, Rule of Law, Cultural Norms, Family regulation, and the like. Lots of room for discussion of "Me vs. You", as individuals, neighbors, cultural groups, social groups, ethnic groups, national/regional, and on and on and on.

Overview: Thou Shalt -- YOU not ME! Will do something I deem proper.

Function: Thou Shalt -- defines either the behavior or the concept to establish "acceptable" actions.

HowTo: Very simple in theory -- Obey.
Not so simple -- Obey ALL rules and laws, from everyone, all the time, based on what rules currently apply to you, or will apply to you, or did apply to you. Short list, of simple examples: 10 commandments, 99 names for Allah, ettiquette, netiquette, thoughts you have when you see a cop car in your rearview mirror.

Usefulness: Most SMART people would say -- know the rules so you can bend or break them.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stand up #7

Even MORE!!!

Stand up theme #7: The Cheaper Version

7) The Cheaper Version concept is "I wanted to -- But didn't have the $$ -- So I..."
Variations: My mom/police/a big dog/etc wouldn't let me,

7a) go to Mexico to lose my virginity -- screamed "Ay Carumba!" as I tapped the local hooker.

7a) go to Mexico to lose my virginity -- imagined the local hooker looked like Vicente Fox.

7c) Get a Porsche -- put a bumper sticker on my GEO saying "My other car is a Porsche"

7d) Travel the World -- "Favorite'd" the Travel Channel website

7e) Write a Novel -- started this blog

7f) Get famous -- watched Paris on TMZ

7g) wanted a woman -- put up a Poster of woman in my bedroom

7h) wanted a mural -- printed 8x10s and stuck up side by side

7i) wanted a Crackberry -- put a 3x5 card with my meetings schedule in my shirt pocket

There are a gazillion of them!


Yoga #2

Yoga #2.
The Pivot Point.

All structural joint movement can described as based on a Pivot Point.

As a joint moves one muscle contracts, the opposite muscle expands.

Here's were it gets tricky! I'm over simplifying for now as I start out.

I think (correct me on this if there is more) that a muscle can ONLY contract. It is designed to tense, get shorter, and pull. The basic concept of a joint is as a hinge, a lever. Tense the bicep as you relax the tricep. Repeat analogy for ALL muscle groups. Rotators TOO!

Shortening a muscle is ALL you can do physically. Mentally, you can ALSO think in pairs of muscles, IN SPACE, so that as the one muscle contracts you FEEL AS IF you are extending the opposite muscle.

Much of Yoga is based on ALSO feeling this RELEASE of the muscle against the pull of gravity. The relaxing muscle DOES NOT know, and can not distinguish between, the difference of a pull from the opposite muscle and the impulse the achieve "balance" against gravity. Thus there are all the different postures to "learn" how to interact with these, oftentimes conflicting, signals.


Yoga #1

I'm getting confused. Whereas that is not unusual, Listing, as in numbering in sequence, seems to help somewhat. So-o-o...

I'm going to # my Yoga questions and comments. For now, they will just be "next"ed. Maybe, someday, after I've got my Yoga moves numbered the way I like them, I'll cross reference them to that. Anyway,

Yoga #1
Follow the Breath.

The human body has a natural ebb and flow based on the heart beat. The heart has a natural rise and fall of speed of about 2 beats a minute. This ebb and flow is DIRECTLY related to the breath by three breaths in, three breaths out.

This sets up a normal tense and relax cycle. Both for the natural flow of the heart beat, and the natural speed and inclination to breath.

The easiest way to get into the cycle rhythm is to exhale very very very slowly. As one exhales one starts to notice that the breath has a slight pulse. This pulse is based on the pumping heart pushing against the diaphragm. As one exhales there comes a very specific feeling at the end of one heartbeat. That feeling is "the signal to start to INHALE". That is the "pivot" point, the top (or bottom, I forget the diagram off-hand of the biofeedback view ) of the envelop of heart beat speed changes.

This is the CENTERing that happens for the human system. This centering is talked about in Yoga and religious offerings. ALL the other "tense/relax" cycles of muscle use, in the whole body, ALL the time, is based on, is coordinated with, is trying to synchronize with, this cycle.

I've blogged other aspects of this recently, so I won't do it here.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stand Up #6

More Stand Up themes.

6) MySpace "Friend Requests" with THE SAME blurb, and a link to SEE MY PICs Variations: Man! There are a bunch of these! I get one almost every day! I deny mostly. I will SPAM if I get two in one day that are identical.

Stand Up #5

More Stand Up themes.

5) the look of the WIFE of a politician as he speaks.
Variations: Huckaby's wife during his final speech looked alert at first, faded to looking tired, then VERY tired, then a "Oh, come ON! Get DONE!" look. Eliott Spitzer's wife as he admitted spending thousands of call-girls. Kind of a blank stare.

5a) OK everyone! I'm going to give acting classes! These classes will make heavy use of facial expressions. My only clients will be the wives of politicians! They stand in the background during good times and bad. For LONG speeches and short. What is their face saying? Approval? Denial? Boredom? !!!! So how can we improve on this? FROZEN SMILE FACE! Like Hilary Clinton when she is trying to present herself as being WARM! BIG TEETH! No change for HOURS!


Stand Up #4

Stand Up themes:

4) MySpace advertising:
Variation: What do you see? Match.com girls coming into view as "bookish" looking. They then look at the screen, take their hair down, remove a sweater, and GET COMFORTABLE. In almost all of the Match.com ads you get a CAVERNOUS look down their cleavage. They either lean WAY forward toward their video camera, or they are lying on their belly so you can't help but see down there. They have a variety of "social" groups too. Tilla Tiquilla tops it off as the "good girl" image who does NAUGHTY things! But she says "NO!" to online requests like for naughty in the ads. There is the blond Librian (only "classic" ALL AMERICAN image so far), Punker with streaked hair, a couple of brunettes (India-n?, Western European-Armenian? Russian? ). There isn't a classic redhead or "sweet faced" blond yet, or else being new to myS I'm missed that rotation so far.

4a) One of my Friends is a stand up comic in New York. As a comment for one of his Stand Up gigs I left this message:
I wanted to "flesh it out" a bit better but you only get so many characters. I KNOW I revised it more times than ANY other comment I've made. Probably about ten, so it would be as good as I could get it.


Stand Up #3

More Stand Up Comic theme:

3) Childhood memories.
Variations: neighborhood personality, moving, 1950 style community group families, different houses, aunt burning hair off chicken leg on old gas stove, pantry - Easter orange peanuts, yellow chicks, relative size of things - parents bed was HUGE, steps knee high (try that as adult!), shorter steps than mom (ten steps to one, like video game fast motion, use fingers to display), cars (who owned what & why), Dad - taking me to the beach in afternoons (stop for Papa burger!, reading paper outside pool glass wall, anticipation of waiting for Dad to get home @ 4pm, dogs (Rex - Shepard, Moose headed German Shepard/Dane mix protected me from sister during fight- mouth around leg!-, Dad - watering grass - ALL the time!, Mom car - acting funny, could you check? NO OIL!, Dad - Turtle soup!, Dad - help pick up strippers (for him!), then I leave!, Dad - out to eat - FROG legs, Mom - always had a fireplace, Dad/Mom shuttling between for summer/school time, Dad as stalker - "just for fun, drive by her house!" while LEARNING to drive!, asking Dad for money - for guitar lessons - for BALLET! lessons, taking bus to Tae Kwon Do ( sitting on mailbox waiting at night - gay pickup bait!), TKDo getting kicked in the shins by old guys with now stretch, differences in toughness of TKDo later on (don't shout at them!) - wimpy, TKDo saved me from a LOT of fights in High School ( friends girlfriend became mine, Leather Jacketed Rocker - think Fonzi, wanted to prove himself but we became friends instead), Kids walking to school long way - weird long stepped gate, Dad- ice skate rink in backyard (stupid punk neighbors threw salt on ice!), Tough Neighborhood (TN)- got lunch money stolen - Dad said enough is enough and started home self defense then TKDo, TN- tough guy being trouble at school, walked past my house to get home, taunting me as I was walking MooseHead Dog, MHD LEAPPED 20 ft at him and just grabbed from of Letter Sweater, Ripped Open sweater, didn't touch skin, I yanked on lease JUST IN TIME! to lower jaw to chest level, he never bothered me AGAIN! Kind of bowed his head, turned, whimpered and walked the other when he saw me!,

3a) Remember how you KNEW where to find the GOOD stuff was when you were a kid? I do! One place I got into a LOT of trouble in was the PANTRY! Especially around Easter time! Ever start Jonesing for those little yellow marshmallow chicks? And for me this was BEFORE I was even getting the MUNCHIES! Yeah, I was a FAT kid! Mom used to TRY to save my self esteem. We would shop in the HUSKY department for pants. How many other euphemism are there? Do any of them really work to save the self esteem? Do your "friends" use euphemisms? I think NOT!. Hey, FATTY! I'm HUSKY! my momma said so!!

3b) Ever had any TOUGH Guys in your school when you were growing up? They are sometimes known as BULLIES! Me neither. So there was the one tough guy who was picking on me at school. One day he happened to be walking near my house on his way home from school. He started taunting me as usual. THIS time I was walking MooseHead Dog. MHDog was very big but usually just a big lap dog, super friendly. Well, THIS time MHDog LEAPPED about 20 ft, without touching the ground!, at him. I remember seeing it in SLOW MOTION!, like one of those slow-mo movies. I somehow yanked back on the leash as it extended to it's full length, MHDogs head and TEETH going SIDEWAYS right at this guys throat! I'm mean like everything is Slo-Mo, I leaned back, the lease got taunt, the TGuy leaned back a bit (in terror!), the leash tightened on the MHDogs neck and his head slowed down and dropped to TGuys chest level. TGuy was an athlete. He was proudly wearing his Letter Sweater! Well, MHDogs teeth JUST grabbed into the loose knit of the sweater, right above the letter. Ripped that sucker OPEN!! Probably a good thing, and very lucky for all of us, MHDogs teeth didn't touch skin! I yanked JUST enough leash JUST IN TIME! So what happened? TGuy bolted! Our Dads, "had a little talk", and I had to pay for the sweater. Oh, and TGuy never bothered ME again! TGuy would kind of bow his head, turn, whimper and walk the other when he saw me! After that my Dad stepped up the TKDo training for me. The best defense is actually HAVING ONE!


Stand Up #2

Stand up Comedy themes to follow:

1) Buying a wife on eBay.
Variations: russian, Jewish, sex doll, sister, life styles (party animal, home body, pierced Noir, To Catch a Preditor. sex slavery trade, neighbor (link in with # 2)Noisy Neighbors), descriptions (as car, model, bicycle, couch, etc), shipping & handling charges?, Buy NOW! price vs. bid, "new vs. Used", .

1a) I'm going online to meet women. I tried the chat rooms. Met a FEW nice women... And the folks from TCAPreditor! So I turned to the site that is ranked as very safe... ebay. These sellers had the best rating! Super feedback! And!... promised very few rope burns on the wrists and ankles!

2) Noisy neighbors
Variations: surprise-home construction business (building pre-built house in driveway, snow shovel truck at 4am ( good thing-does mine!), truck turns wide into drive, digs out corner of lawn, Cops @ 3am, little dogs yapping, cutting and piling wood (night?), 14 cars in the driveway (2 trucks & a van), good things-pretty girlfriends, snow shovel, neighborhood gossip, lots of teenage kids-cops, cars, girls, loud music, cussing, driveway auto repair,

2a) So I bought a house! Yes, thank you, it was a wonderful opportunity. And my new neighbor has a construction business. I'm thinking... maybe I can get some tips on home repair? So I settle into my home and all is well. The neighbors driveway is right between our two houses, under my window... Leads to the garage in the back. Never had that before, but what could be so bad?? Ever tried to sleep next to an auto repair shop?? Air guns - bzzzzzz-bzzzz-bzzzz, jack hammers, chukkkkkkk, air lifts - sssszzzzsssszzzzsss,... I know, I know, this is AMERICA! A person can do what he darn well pleases! After all, it's HIS driveway! HIS property! So, as a nice new neighbor, I softly mentioned to him out the window, The SUN will be UP in LESS THAN AN HOUR, would you mind WAITing a bit??


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

SU#1 4real

Stand Up #1

There are so many folks on the internet these days! There's Facebook, and other similar sites, like my favorite right now, mySpace! In mySpace you describe yourself, your interests, your life, and put up some pictures and videos. Then your "Friends" can easily find you, discuss the topics of the day, and learn even more about you than they knew before.

One interesting aspect of mySpace is actually the "Friend". What is a Friend? With a capital "F". Someone you went to school with, work with, a neighbor or local club buddy? Yes!

Then there is the BIG world out there of Friends. You can have friends from all over based on your interests, I've found models, actors, comedians, and muscians. I've got 38 friends!

Rock stars THOUSANDS of friends. Reminds me of Diamond Dave "inviting a few thousand of his closest friends" to a rock concert. Now LOTS of groups and that many friends! Holy Smoke!

But, for those of us in little land. How do WE keep up our egos? How do WE think that WE are cool compared to these Rock Stars?

I've found the easiest way is to set goals for myself. Yes! I'm going to find A/ONE friend today! That's all I need, I tell myself! After all, close intimate friends are WAY better than those ugly "Groups"! And MY new friend will comment back! Well, sometimes. Eventually... Maybe...

And the hit counter? Views are often tens of thousands for myS Music Indie performers. I've got 361. And I get a new hit every time I log in, so MOST of that is ME! So WOW I'm so-o-o-o popular! I've tried to get my older crowd of folks to contact me on myS. A few even email me and IM me there. But so far folks don't see the value in electronic friends when they have REAL friends, and jobs, and families, and lives. So it goes...


Stand Up #1

OK, now. I started this mySpace thing by following a models pictures. Progressed to Yoga, and still luv that part actively. Found myS Music as an almost religious social experience exchanging (so it's mostly me saying OMG I Luv U!...) thoughts with REAL talented folks. Now I've discovered Actors and Comedians. Since I luv telling jokes as I photograph folks I get to tell a LOT of jokes. Mostly the same, but sometimes I try to expand my repetoir. So I figured this blog, as my diary that no one but me reads, would be a good place to start.

Stand Up #1

OK, so I forgot the joke while writing the intro. Look for SU#2 in stores near you!



Yesterday I watched mySpace promote a USO show for the troops in Kuwait. I had lots of interesting observations during the time. Here are some that I remember.

MF this! MF that! HAHAHA Trying to promote this as a "family show" (yes, in quotes) must be a bit difficult. So what is it that entertains the troops? Vulgar jokes about sex, oral sex, anal sex, don't ask don't tell sex, fags, beaners, oral sex, rock star sex, social sterotypes, national regional (southern, western, etc) sterotypes, did I mention sex?...

Jessica Simpson actually has a very nice singing voice. That is when she's not over doing the "expression" stuff.

I'm not that into current rock bands. Seem link of bland (even tame) compared to bands of my generation. But my generation didn't have re-hab for the off season. They would just die on their own puke. The Army guys know all the words, of all the bands, by heart. I guess was the same way as a late teen/twenty something. Still know the words to those songs. Many of them are still popular for this third or fourth generation later! Aerosmith, Zepelin, etc.

I thought about how I'm not a "group" type of guy. Never have been. I've never liked standing side by side in a crowd of guys screaming at chicks. Seemed kind of dumb.

I felt very sorry for the troops. Of course that is the reason for the USO anyway. DUH! I fully support the guys!! I wish I knew that the leaders were making good decisions in what they tell the guys to do. Not so easy to support the leaders.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Songs, Yoga, gif

Dang! I've found so many wonderful songs from so many weird and unexpected places! I just had to update my history list here with recent adds in the last two weeks. I've found a few Actors myS pages this week. Eliza Dusku, of all people! I've luv'ed her for so long I thought she was OLD! Not so, only 28, I've Friend requested her! Just to get notified of her new movies & TV shows. I mean, what else? True LUV? HAHAHAHAHA! Drat! I hate it when I speak the truth sometimes!

I've got a few of my favorite "smiles" cut out of pictures for icons to change things up. Eliza = WOW in that category. Did a couple of gifs of "junk" movement but they didn't come out too well. Did one of StepUp2 which looks OK on my screen but gets all broken up, probably from myS compressing it a whole bunch more, when used as default. Also did one of Des in Guess/Playboy butt model dancing pose, but she blew me off on that one! Many not a side/style of her she wants to express. If she doesn't show it I don't either. I did do a DesDancing (very simple reversal of pic) which she approved to show in her coms.

I'm down to doing less than an hour a day of Yoga. Did several hours a day as I started out last month. Got the front hip bone/belly and front of the thighs a little more flexible, and they relax much faster so I don't need as much. Also the breathing in/out at three heartbeats each is working wonders to help relax. Follow the breath, that's what they say. But HOW, they don't say. Feeling the initial "need to breath" on a heartbeat, then following the "feeling" in/out on three beats, that works! Funny thing about "following the breath", it pulses with the pressure changes in the chest cavity. That is the easiest way to feel it, not the heart itself, the chest pressure changes against the diaphram. Breathing out or in, it doesn't matter, if you "follow" it you can "feel" the heart beating by feeling the breath beating. To hear it, you can hold a "note" humming or singing. The note pulses.

Another favorite pose (I'm learning some of the names) is to modify Cobra with Tree and use the leg to softly rock the hipbone sideways to feel the hamstring in the back of the hip. The hams are popping! gluts too! The weirdest thing I wasn't expecting was that I can now feel my whole spine from the head down to the tailbone. It had been so-o-o locked up & gone for many years. The pose that really hits the back (but I started it for the hams) is from Cobra (lying on belly with chest up a bit) extend the knees to the sides (ballet stretch) then PUSH your feet together! Extending and contracting the feet really works the hams in "dynamic tension" (like Charles Atlas!), but the whole back kicks in also. The muscles cramp and strain very quickly, but dang! it feels so-o-o GOOD! And after the body just naturally puts inself into a "military" posture when you stand up; shoulders back, chest up and relaxed, head tall. So cool, just like when I was a twently something! Except old ...

And the music list I promised...

Pete's song history
View: profile photos videos
Full Of GraceFrom BTVS Season 2By ☆ Buffy, The Vampire Slayer ☆
Current profile song
StayBy April Start
Want Me BackFrom Come CloserBy Quincy Coleman
La Notte Etterna RemixFrom EtternaBy Emma Shapplin
Take a Walk with MeBy BRIANA CASH
My ChildFrom "Just a Demo"By Kara Kay Music
TrustafarianFrom An Orange AlbumBy FAST HEART MART
i Get A Kick Out Of YouBy Frank Sinatra Jr.
Anything But MineFrom When The Sun Goes DownBy Kenny Chesney
Honey DoFrom RecklessBy AMBER LEIGH
I Don’t Need YouBy AMBER LEIGH
GrowFrom ChangesBy April Start
Free BirdFrom Lynyrd Skynyrd LyveBy Lynyrd Skynyrd
Round And RoundFrom Tell the WorldBy RATT™
stay with meFrom coming soonBy mike ehlers
Song for YouBy Stephani Krise
glockenspielFrom circus contraptionBy vince
RylynnFrom the thing that came from somewhereBy Andy McKee
The Way I AmFrom Girls and BoysBy ingrid michaelson
Jessie’s GirlFrom Working Class DogBy Rick Springfield

So far so good...

Thursday, February 28, 2008


My favorite Yogini, Tara Stiles, has a new gig writing for IYogaLife. So I'm starting this post to add thoughts about the website itself, as different from talking about Tara or Yoga.

Overall, I love the concept of IYogaLife! They are bringing Yoga forward so that a mass audience can see it on the web.

How are they designed? How do they distribute their info? How good is their info, instructors, quality of video production, etc? That is what I hope to discuss in this blog.

First impressions, the good:
1) are easy to find.
2) put videos on YouTube (UTube to save characters)
3) have a nice visual presentation (light blue background, black letters, icons and vids)
4) Tara links her pages to their "encyclopedia" of poses
5) they have icons of basic poses for quick reference
6) they have movie stars (I saw Molly Sims) to attract attention on UTube

First impressions, the not so good:
1) page and site navigation is awkward (no "next page" for long articles, signup form repeats)
2) the "encyclopedia" of poses is silent vids next to text you need to read as you watch - awkward.
3) Unfortunately, there are very few people that BOTH look good and sound good. Tara is one! Using actresses to suppliment Yoga instructors really helps also (see 6 above).

quantcast (@08-0228)

Quick Stats (paraphased):

15k monthly uniques, recent 3-mth 50% spurt with Tara
Mostly regulars, but lots of passers-By

40/60 % men/women
older audience - few <25, similar 25-65+ with peak 45-55
flatish income levels, weighted poorer
mostly Cauc, but many other ethnic
mostly higher educated
about 1/2 have kids

O, Oprah
Parent & Child

Health News & Info:
Discovery Health Channel

Diet & Fitness:
About.com Exercise

Similar Audience:

I've started this blog 08-0228. This is the "first impressions" version. I think I'll end up adding a lot to it over the years, updateing this blog rather than makeing threads, to keep it in one place. We'll see.

Song History List

Way below is my mySpace Music History List.

Man!! I started this mySpace thing to see a few pretty pictures of my favorite super model and it exploded in my face!

A few weeks ago (it just seems like a very long time!) I had a couple of mS friends. I'm not sure how I found Tara. On UTube I think. Then a couple of her beautiful friends from the Ford agency. Desiree had the Grateful Dead as her profile song. I would click on her to have the Dead playing in the background as I fussed making meals. Then I discovered the Song History button on the mS music control. Voila! I was hooked! Desiree had more music I liked. Tara didn't have many songs but had a great group lal meri. Weird soulful singing and haunting music. I think the Yoga influence softened me up to listen to Kermit. If I need some energy there is an abundance of total wackos following the Guns 'N Roses link. And moody bad girls tend to link to Fiona Apple. So a great variety of tastes can be satisfied.

mySpace Music seemed to taken over my soul. I searched friends of friends and found lots of things I liked. One that had many great South American songs was Alejandre Alverti. She is a interviewer and personality in Venezuela. And Sugarland, Keith Urban and Dixie Chicks cover the CMT scene. mySpace Tom recommended Kate Voegele and I love him for that. Kate has great music and a super voice, but her recording vocals are so "forward" I have to be careful to keep the treble down or I'll fry my eardrums. Taylor Swift is one of the highly returned to people. Such a sweet voice to listen to, and a little bratty to boot! BS&T was a song I played over and over dancing/lying around the living room in my college days. Legs = 1980s MTV! 'nuff said! Got some Ella and the Rat Pack. Arlo isn't the original but a fairly good more recent recording.

Several of my friends are off label or just starting out in the business. Cass, BC Jean, Charity Daw, Stephani Krise are all newbs, but well worth the listen. Scott is the smoothest jazz guy out there. He produces Katrin and I connected with her to actually hear her voice,which is great, as Scott's website version were all him. Karuna was one of those I tripped over. On her songs I was going pass, then click the D&C cover, and was blown away! A diamond in the rough!

So I just wanted to mention a few things about my music list. It is longer and more maintained than most. I love that I can click on the list and keep playing from this selection as I view other pages.

Two months anniversary on mySpace, end of first actually active month.

Pete's song history 08-0228

Jessie’s GirlFrom Working Class DogBy Rick Springfield
Current profile song
Let Love ThroughBy BC Jean
LatelyBy Charity Daw
Song for YouBy Stephani Krise
Knock em outFrom Alright still By Lily Allen
Mi amigo en el banoFrom Cualquier DíaBy Kany García
Pienso En TiFrom Pies DescalzosBy Shakira
PeregrinoFrom Live And Raw SeriesBy Galeano
mujer de taconesFrom cualquier diaBy kany garcia
Nunca mas te vFrom OCHOBy Gian Marco
PARA QUEFrom Alejandra AlbertiBy ALEJANDRA ALBERTI - Myspace Oficial!
IronicFrom Jagged Little PillBy Alanis Morissette
The Way I AmFrom Girls and BoysBy ingrid michaelson
Kiss meFrom The best of:Sixpence none the richerBy SixPence None The Richer
glockenspielFrom circus contraptionBy vince
cannibol kidFrom ella fitzgeraldBy vince
Our SongFrom Taylor Swift Limited Edition Deluxe CD/DVDBy Taylor Swift
Picture To BurnFrom Taylor SwiftBy Taylor Swift
The Rainbow ConnectionBy Kermit the Frog
SantoriniBy India Dupré
Ive Got You Under My SkinFrom Greatest HitsBy The Rat Pack
God Bless The ChildBy Blood Sweat and Tears
LegsFrom EliminatorBy ZZ Top
City of New OrleansFrom In Times Like TheseBy Arlo Guthrie
I Want A New DrugBy Huey Lewis & The News
Your Precious Love duetFrom Til TomorrowBy Cassandre McKinley
Let Love ThroughBy BC Jean
Bad ThingsBy lal meri
Get Him BackFrom Extraordinary MachineBy Fiona Apple
Night LifeFrom Til Tomorrow - Remembering Marvin GayeBy Cassandre McKinley
You Sure Can Run Through MineFrom 2007 DemoBy Eric Neznik
Wide Open SpacesFrom Wide Open SpacesBy Dixie Chicks
Sweet Child O MineFrom Appetite For DestructionBy Guns N Roses
You’ll Think Of MeFrom Golden RoadBy Keith Urban
Only Fooling MyselfFrom Don’t Look AwayBy Kate Voegele
DreamsFrom Out of NothingBy Katrin
New Untitled SongFrom Live July 2007By Scott Tarulli
Dazed and ConfusedFrom Live! Temple Bar 6_16By KARUNA - New Music!!!
Settlin’From Enjoy The Ride - In Stores NOW!By SUGARLAND
StayFrom Enjoy The RideBy SUGARLAND
Kindly UnspokenFrom Don’t Look AwayBy Kate Voegele
Want ToFrom Enjoy The Ride in Stores NOW!By SUGARLAND

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I was doing my Reading in Bed stretches (spending several hours a day lightly stretching the front of the thigh muscles), when I yawned. My belly expanded greatly, like a watermelon, and I rose up on it like a great whale. It felt good, similar to a breathing exercise I used to do for singing. So I kept the belly expanded and shifted from side to side. Lightly at first, because a few belches left a bad taste in my mouth, but then with increasing speed. With my weight on a tripod of belly, and both elbows, it was lots of fun. Then chuckled as I thought of the old joke of a man on a French nude beach doing pushups. A Frenchman came up to him, and with a very concerned look on his face, softly pointed out, "Monsieur? Your woman? She is gone!!!"


Had some beautiful dreams last night. Mostly I remember they were in the style of Beowulf, the movie I watched yesterday. Among the images in the dream were an inverted look, while stretching on the back, under tables, where several pieces of "clothlike" on fire pieces merged into one image to display a fire in a fire place at the other end of the room. Several images of faces used the sunset turning golden theme, one face in particular was Penelope Cruz. Perhaps because she looked particularly stunning in her at the Oscars pix yesterday.

When I woke up, just as I was arising, I did a few stretches to see which muscles were tight. I particularly test for tension in the jaw, neck, back, sides of hip, hamstrings, knees, abs, throat, forearms, hands and fingers, ankles and feet, and toes. The hamstrings were the tightest, needing attention. Perhaps because yesterday I had done weights till tired, then walked up my favorite hill a few times. The legs were well used.

The stretching that felt the best today could best be described as rotating the hips over one leg, such as a plate being balanced on a stick. One side goes up, the other down. I found that I liked to kneel in a lunge on a soft pad and rock the standing (on knee) leg to and fro. Paying particular attention to the "softness" of the interaction of the hamstrings to each other. As the weight shifts around the hams flex softly. Rather than just a normal lunge, I added leaning forward and back into ham stretches. And letting the "free" knee go sideways, to also lightly rock the "plate" around, lean into stretches, then when the hams are soft, to feel some body weight, of varied amounts, applied to the free leg as if about to give it full weight to stand up.

The rotation of the hip complemented the "reading on the floor" front of the hip stretch I've described elsewhere. But particular care to do rotations of the hip, AND to flex the hamstrings within the hip, ASIF the hip were a hinge rather than a rotator joint. This helps to feel the hams "make a muscle" under me. They FEEL like squirrels fighting in a bag.

After walking up the hill yesterday, equal to walking up about a dozen flights of stairs, the "fire down below" was HOT. The legs were smoldering hot coals, flexing, pushing. I thinking that it is because of the week or so of front of the thigh Yoga stretching I've done down there, that there was absolutely no pain in my knees! The only part that had any "tired" or used feeling when I got done was the small of my back, on the left side, which is normally the first to go.

So I've added "cardio" to my weights and stretches. A complete package once again. I'm Ba-a-a-a-a-a-c-c-c-k!!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Reading in Bed

I've blogged my adventures into Yoga recently. It's been quite a ride. I kind of look at it as the avalanche breaking loose and I'm riding it where it leads! Of all the stretches that have benefited me, so far, my favorite one hits the front of the thigh. It's a basic ballet barre stretch but I haven't been on a ballet barre in several years! So I had to adjust it make it a floor stretch.

The easiest way to think of it is looking at a lying on your belly reading in bed position. Raise up on your elbows, make a slight rotation to place the weight on the thigh, Voila! There are lots of variations on this theme. The skydiver being pretty advanced. It's easier to start by just lying on your belly and pushing your hamstring down with a slight rotation of the hip. Feels like "making a muscle" with the hamstring. It POPS! By slowing continuing the rotation of the hip (the thigh stays pressed against the floor) one can feel the muscles around and within the hip bone flexing the hamstrings in series. Each angle brings some new muscle fiber on board. A little extra push into and just below the hip really hits the top connector tissues. I think it's important to get the hamstring "pop" feel from the hip end before bending the knee. Turning the hands toward the face, pulling the elbows together under the belly, and placing the body weight on the forearms is, for me, an easy way to control the weight and rotation.

I've only been doing this less than a week so it's still very much a work in progress. On the third day I didn't recognize my legs. Going up steps my foot would raise up and seem to float above toward the next one. I thought I was going one stair at a time but my legs wanted two. I had to consciously push it down. The next day my hamstrings felt like balloons. Or rather, my whole body felt like the Eiffel tower on pontoons! Kind of rubbery but stronger than before. Craving movement...

During my stretches today by gluts kicked in. Felt like beach balls! But that story is for another day...


Over the last few weeks I've started this myspace thing. I just joined myspace so that I could view Rie Rasmussen's photographs. She is such a chameleon I wondered if she put pix on her site that wouldn't be elsewhere. And there were a few personal photos along with the mostly pix of her career. But there were also small things about herself, her interests, her ambitions, her creativity. I commented on a few of her pictures. I feel kind of weird because I've never developed the "social skills" necessary to be able to make cliché comments. I actually sound more like a "review" commentary, or how I sound to myself critiquing my own pix. As I go about this web world I'm trying to get more bland and indistinct while still sounding like I actually looked at that particular picture. One music guy I made a "friend request" to could tell I actually listened to the (HIS) music! He sounded surprised.

Anyway, originally, after being on myspace for more than a month I got an email from a photographer asking why I only had one friend? Well, I had looked at Rie's site and I was done, I thought. But his question made me curious, so I started looking around. I saw other model sites and ran into a yoga site by Tara Stiles. In my learning curve, of social etiquette I was as awkward as ever. Made "friends" with a couple of models and tried to not be too dorky or direct(and so offensive). Not an easy task for me! Going forward when I talk or write to anyone I'm trying to imagine that right behind my shoulder is her Daddy, with a baseball bat. I think it might help!

As far as my site, I was developing the concept of what I wanted, changing every time I saw something I liked on the hundreds of sites I visited. Along the way I found MUSIC! Holy S#%$#%$t! Musicians everywhere! CMT even did their awards show as myspace video cams. Hosted my Taylor Swift no less! Gosh, she sings purdy! So now, a couple of weeks later, I've got more music friends than models. I can click on any of my friends and spend some time in music heaven. Of course, with all the garage bands out there I had to be selective... And with models doing "in and out of re-hab" photo albums when they are still teenagers, well, that is a bad scene... (except perhaps Fiona Apple, but she's a bad, bad girl!).

Anyway, a few days ago I watched the 60's Japanese movie, Face of Another. It's all about putting on a mask (literal & figurative) and thus protecting oneself from society and one's inner emotions. Very depressing! let me tell you. As I returned it to the video store I asked for "jolly" flicks, even girly! I picked out The Jane Austen Book Club and they suggested Paris, Je T'aime. Both were on my list. Good choices! Easy watching. Fun. But thought provoking in a way I wasn't expecting. PJT was made up of a dozen 5 minute shorts about people in relationships in Paris. Most were very nice, a couple disturbing. But JABC was way more thoughtful than I had even imagined. The girls (& one guy) talk about the relationships of women trying to find husbands in the early 1800's. They couldn't work or make money so they fully depended on marriage to "support them in the manner in which they had become accustomed". Modern women aren't mostly like that! And many recent movies aren't even boy/girl. JABC sparked my interest in the discussion of relationships in general. And specifically reminded me to develop "public" social skills in this new myspace world. So perhaps I'll read some Jane and get a few pointers on my social "mask", or maybe even ideas about that strange gender. Who knows?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

P#25, Re-Create Yourself

Power, Law #25. Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions--your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

It seems this is a Tara Stiles week for me. I apologize to my other muses for the neglect.

After fully embracing the down-homey farm girl persona of Tara teaching Yoga, I've watched her wonderful stretches and contortions and never tire of it. This is very rare for me, as the ADD usually kicks in quickly. But Tara has that magic combination for me of being visually stunning but also, and possibly even more important, her VOICE! OMG how PLEASING. Old style writers would describe it as dulcet tones with a girlish giggle, and just enough command to keep you moving on track. Any variation you may produce is "perfectly alright". Any stretch too far can be easily backed off on. Just perfect!

Perhaps because of the influence of my own years of running around with ballet dancers (in my youth), or the theatre "weirdness as normal" I've known, I (mostly!) watch her in spandex twisting and turning as "just" a person. Only occasionally will the libido kick itself into center stage with OMG, she's gorgeous! Look at that!

Well along with being a Yogini (wiki it) Goddess, Tara is also an actress. You can check her out on IMDB. Her latest movie, "Friends, with Benefits", has an adult theme. From this influence, I expect, pictures of a more alluring nature are showing up on her MySpace page. Just for the viewing of her 1,000+ closest friends so far. Nothing too explicit, one leaning toward Victoria's Secret or perhaps Maxim's style of revealing. Very beautiful and tasteful. But commenters, besides just myself, are wondering how to make tasteful expressions of friendly enjoyment and not sound like a stalker in the making, when grunts seem to over power the wordy side of the brain. Quite the struggle...

So, Tara looks to be in the process of coming off the farm into the big city. Re-creating herself, or perhaps just showing the steamier "adult" side to the world occasionally (for big $$). I will watch and wonder how she will manage the dichotomy. But I, for one, hope that the warm & fuzzy Tara stays around a long time.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fab Faces

I've started to get a few friends on my mySpace page. About a month ago I joined MySpace so that I could view Rie Rasmussen's pictures. Somewhere I remember reading that she was channeling the face of Faye Dunaway while shooting Angel-A, so was building a collection of her images. Being the chameleon she is I didn't find too much Faye elsewhere, but that did get me started thinking about how models and actresses share aspects of other famous faces and copy poses.

The "classic" poses, made famous by displays in paintings (mostly now in posters) throughout history influence me when I try to bring out the best in a photoshoot. Often, I think of the Re-Dos by current actresses, or how models have features that channel movie stars. Lindsey Lohan did some great Ann Margaret. I'll build this list when I have time...

Here's a quick list of my MySpace friends faces:
Rie Rasmussen -> Faye Dunaway
Tara Stiles -> Minnie Driver
Leah Kelley -> Charlize Theron
Desiree -> Megan Fox/Alexis Bledel/Cybill Shepard

That's all for today. Send me, or add comments, of your favorite channelings!

Do Something Useful!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Power, 48 Laws

Power, the 48 Laws. List #4.

Had to struggle with myself before putting this forward as a topic, as I feel sometimes that these Laws have been used against me more than they have helped me (See #10). Perhaps I'll get better...

The 48 Laws of Power ISBN 0670881465;
1. Never Outshine The Master
2. Never Put Too Much Trust In Friends, Learn How To Use Enemies.
3. Conceal Your Intentions.
4. Always Say Less Than Necessary.
5. So Much Depends On Reputation-Guard It With Your Life.
6. Court Attention At All Cost
7. Get Others To Do The Work For You, But Always Take the Credit.
8. Make Other People Come To You-Use Bait If Necessary.
9. Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument.
10. Infection: Avoid the Unhappy And Unlucky.
11. Learn To Keep People Dependent On You.
12. Use Selective Honesty and Generosity To Disarm Your Victim.
13. When Asking For Help, Appeal To People's Self-Interest, Never To Their Mercy Or Gratitude.
14. Pose As A Friend, Work As A Spy.
15. Crush Your Enemy Totally
16. Use Absence To Increase Respect and Honor.
17. Keep Others In Suspended Terror: Cultivate An Air Of Unpredictability.
18. Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself-Isolation Is Dangerous.
19. Know Who You're Dealing With-Do Not Offend the Wrong Person.
20. Do Not Commit To Anyone.
21. Play A Sucker To Catch A Sucker-Seem Dumber Than Your Mark.
22. Use The Surrender Tactic: Transfor Weakness Into Power.
23. Concentrate Your Forces.
24. Play the Perfect Courtier.
25. Re-Create Yourself.
26. Keep Your Hands Clean.
27. Play On People's Need To Believe To Create A Cultlike Following.
28. Enter Action With Boldness.
29. Plan All The Way To The End.
30. Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless.
31. Control The Options: Get Others To Play With The Cards You Deal.
32. Play To People's Fantasies.
33. Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew.
34. Be Royal In Your Own Fashion: Act Like A King To Be Treated Like One.
35. Master The Art Of Timing.
36. Distain Things You Cannot Have: Ignoring Them Is The Best Revenge.
37. Create Compelling Spectacles.
38. Think As You Like, But Behave Like Others.
39. Stir Up Waters To Catch Fish.
40. Despise The Free Lunch.
41. Avoid Stepping Into A Great Man's Shoes.
42. Strike The Shepherd And The Sheep Will Scatter.
43. Work On The Hearts And Minds Of Others.
44. Disarm And Infuriate With The Mirror Effect.
45. Preach The Need For Change, But Never Reform Too Much At Once.
46. Never Appear Too Perfect.
47. Do Not Go Past The Mark You Aimed For; In Victory, Learn When To Stop.
48. Assume Formlessness.

There it is. For shorthand I guess I'll refer to these a p1, p2, etc in the same style as the other lists.

Do Something Useful

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews. List #3. This is a tough one to handle due to the quantity. I think I'll start by listing the main sources already online. Then for each movie I'll add my own opinion or perhaps point to others of like mind (those poor souls!).

In a class my itself:
Thomas Video
We've been waiting for you.www.thomasvideo.com/

And the normal suspects...
1. ROTTEN TOMATOES: Movies - New Movie Reviews and Previews!
Movie Trailers, Movie Reviews and New Movie Previews from Rotten Tomatoes - The Ultimate Movie Reaction Site!

2. MRQE - Movie Review Query Engine
Online directory of movie reviews.www.mrqe.com

3. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Features plot summaries, reviews, cast lists, and theatre schedules.www.imdb.com

4. Christian Spotlight on Entertainment - ChristianSpotlight.com ...
Entertainment portal for movie, television and game reviews, news, music, links, broadcasts, articles, and more.www.christiananswers.net

5. Filmcritic.com Movie Reviews and DVD Reviews for the Film Fanatic
Over 7000 movie and DVD reviews for the obsessive film fanatic. Reviews, contest giveaways, celebrity interviews -- we've got it all at Filmcritic.com!www.filmcritic.com/

6. Yahoo! Movies: Read Movie Reviews, Find Showtimes and View Trailers
Showtimes, trailers, reviews, articles, interviews, news, and gossip.movies.yahoo.com

7. :: rogerebert.com :: FRONTPAGE (xhtml)
The movie even drags in a Catholic priest, who seems bewilderingly ignorant ... Bardem, Ledger and the truth about movie acting ... One-minute movie reviews ...rogerebert.suntimes.com/

8. US Conference of Catholic Bishops - Movie Reviews
Movies evaluated according to artistic merit and moral suitability. Reviews include the conference's ratings, the MPAA ratings, and brief synopses.www.usccb.org/movies/

9. NY1: Movie Reviews
Movie Reviews. Movie Reviews: February. February 01, 2008 NY1 reviews some of the films that made their debut in February. ...ny1.com/Living/movie_reviews.html

10. Plugged In Online
eNewsletter Sign Up Get Plugged In Online's weekly eNewsletter. LEARN MORE · Cell Phone Sign Up Get Plugged In Online's movie reviews on your mobile phone ...www.pluggedinonline.com/

11. Movie ReviewsMoviefone.com Find Showtimes, Buy Tickets, DVD & Movie Reviews and More!

12. NPR: Movie reviewswww.NPR.org Movie Reviews, Interviews for Indy films, blockbusters, and art films.

13. Movie Reviews - Movies - New York Times
Archive of this newspaper's film reviews, including all reviews since 1983 and other selected reviews going back to 1929, including all Academy Award "Best ...movies.nytimes.com/ref/movies/reviews/index.html

14. DVD Movie Reviews
Movie reviews, information, cast, and awards. Search thousands of movie reviews ... Bad Boys 2 (2003) i love this movie so funny and the actors are awesome ...www.movierevie.ws/

And to find/buy movies:

15. DVD Movies: Huge Selection of DVDs & Videos @ DVD Empire
DVD Empire - International Retailer of DVD Movies and Accessories.

16. Buy Movies at Movies Unlimited - The Movie Collector’s Site
Movies Unlimited is the online store for movie collectors looking for hard to find videos, both new and classic, on VHS, DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-ray.www.moviesunlimited.com/

That's enough. You get the idea.

Do Something Useful


Shakespearean Plays. List #2. A bit easier to produce as a direct cut/paste from Wiki (@Feb 12, 2008). I added numbers for future reference.

1. All's Well That Ends Well
2. As You Like It
3 . The Comedy of Errors
4. Cymbeline*
5. Love's Labour's Lost
6. Measure for Measure
7. The Merchant of Venice
8. The Merry Wives of Windsor
9. A Midsummer Night's Dream
10. Much Ado About Nothing
11. Pericles, Prince of Tyre*†[d]
12. The Taming of the Shrew
13. The Tempest*
14. Twelfth Night, or What You Will
15. The Two Gentlemen of Verona
16. The Two Noble Kinsmen*†[e]
17. The Winter's Tale*

18. Romeo and Juliet
19. Coriolanus
20. Titus Andronicus[h]
21. Timon of Athens[i]
22. Julius Caesar
23. Macbeth[j]
24. Hamlet
25. Troilus and Cressida
26. King Lear
27. Othello
28. Antony and Cleopatra

29. King John
30. Richard II
31. Henry IV, part 1
32. Henry IV, part 2
33. Henry V
34. Henry VI, part 1[f]
35. Henry VI, part 2
36. Henry VI, part 3
37. Richard III
38. Henry VIII[g]

Lost Plays
39. Love's Labour's Won
40. Cardenio[l]

41. Shakespeare's Sonnets
42. Venus and Adonis
43. The Rape of Lucrece
44. The Passionate Pilgrim[k]
45. The Phoenix and the Turtle
46. A Lover's Complaint

47. Arden of Faversham
48. The Birth of Merlin
49. Locrine
50. The London Prodigal
51. The Puritan
52. The Second Maiden's Tragedy
53. Sir John Oldcastle
54. Thomas Lord Cromwell
55. A Yorkshire Tragedy
56. Edward III
57. Sir Thomas More

So that should get us started! When you're done reading those...

Do Something Useful

Thirty-Six Strategies

What to do? What to do?

So I guess I'll start my blog by listing topics I'll detail later. Perhaps organize based on Wiki? OK. Works for me.

One interest I have is the "Thirty-Six Strategies" as listed in Wiki (from The Book of Stratagems by Harro von Senger, ISBN 0-14-016954-7 ). Here's the list from the book, actual words on Wiki may vary slightly.

1. Fool the Emperor and Cross the Sea.
2. Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao.
3. Kill with a Borrowed Knife.
4. Await the Exhausted Enemy at Your Ease.
5. Loot a Burning House.
6. Clamor in the East, Attack in the West.
7. Create Something from Nothing.
8. Openly Repair the Walkway, Secretly March to Chencang.
9. Observe the Fire on the Opposite Shore.
10. Hide Your Dagger Behind a Smile.
11. Let the Plum Tree Wither in Place of the Peach.
12. Sieze the Opportunity to Lead the Sheep Away.
13. Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake.
14. Borrow a Corpse for the Soul's Return.
15. Lure the Tiger Down from the Mountain.
16. To Catch Something, First Let It Go.
17. Toss Out a Brick to Attract Jade.
18. To Catch the Bandits, First Capture Their Leader.
19. Steal the Firewood from Under the Pot.
20. Trouble the Water to Catch the Fish.
21. Shed Your Skin Like the Golden Cicada.
22. Shut the Door to Catch the Thief.
23. Befriend a Distant Enemy to Attack One Nearby.
24. Borrow the Road to Conquer Guo.
25. Replace the Beams with Rotten Timbers.
26. Point at the Mulberry, But Curse the Locust Tree.
27. Feign Madness But Keep Your Balance,
28. Lure the Enemy onto the Roof, Then Take Away the Ladder.
29. Deck the Dead Tree with Bogus Blossoms.
30. Exchange the Role of Guest for That of Host.
31. The Stratagem of the Beautiful Woman.
32. The Stratagem of the Open City Gates.
33. The Stratagem of Sowing Discord.
34. The Stratagem of Injuring Yourself.
35. The Stratagem of Linking Stratagems.
36. [When the Situation is Growing Hopeless] Running Away Is the Best Stratagem.

[Translator's note: In the original Chinese, the phrases depicting the 36 Stratagems are not couched in the imperative form used here for most of the English renditions...

Well, that's it. I'll need some shorthand way to refer to them while blogging. At this point s1, s2, etc. seems reasonable.

I think I'll post my "Lists" separately so I don't get to awfully confused in trying to refer back to them. I'll try to do a list on Shakespeare's plays next.

Have a great day!

Do Something Useful!
