Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stand up #7

Even MORE!!!

Stand up theme #7: The Cheaper Version

7) The Cheaper Version concept is "I wanted to -- But didn't have the $$ -- So I..."
Variations: My mom/police/a big dog/etc wouldn't let me,

7a) go to Mexico to lose my virginity -- screamed "Ay Carumba!" as I tapped the local hooker.

7a) go to Mexico to lose my virginity -- imagined the local hooker looked like Vicente Fox.

7c) Get a Porsche -- put a bumper sticker on my GEO saying "My other car is a Porsche"

7d) Travel the World -- "Favorite'd" the Travel Channel website

7e) Write a Novel -- started this blog

7f) Get famous -- watched Paris on TMZ

7g) wanted a woman -- put up a Poster of woman in my bedroom

7h) wanted a mural -- printed 8x10s and stuck up side by side

7i) wanted a Crackberry -- put a 3x5 card with my meetings schedule in my shirt pocket

There are a gazillion of them!


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