Tuesday, March 11, 2008

SU#1 4real

Stand Up #1

There are so many folks on the internet these days! There's Facebook, and other similar sites, like my favorite right now, mySpace! In mySpace you describe yourself, your interests, your life, and put up some pictures and videos. Then your "Friends" can easily find you, discuss the topics of the day, and learn even more about you than they knew before.

One interesting aspect of mySpace is actually the "Friend". What is a Friend? With a capital "F". Someone you went to school with, work with, a neighbor or local club buddy? Yes!

Then there is the BIG world out there of Friends. You can have friends from all over based on your interests, I've found models, actors, comedians, and muscians. I've got 38 friends!

Rock stars THOUSANDS of friends. Reminds me of Diamond Dave "inviting a few thousand of his closest friends" to a rock concert. Now LOTS of groups and that many friends! Holy Smoke!

But, for those of us in little land. How do WE keep up our egos? How do WE think that WE are cool compared to these Rock Stars?

I've found the easiest way is to set goals for myself. Yes! I'm going to find A/ONE friend today! That's all I need, I tell myself! After all, close intimate friends are WAY better than those ugly "Groups"! And MY new friend will comment back! Well, sometimes. Eventually... Maybe...

And the hit counter? Views are often tens of thousands for myS Music Indie performers. I've got 361. And I get a new hit every time I log in, so MOST of that is ME! So WOW I'm so-o-o-o popular! I've tried to get my older crowd of folks to contact me on myS. A few even email me and IM me there. But so far folks don't see the value in electronic friends when they have REAL friends, and jobs, and families, and lives. So it goes...


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