Friday, March 14, 2008

Thou Shalt #1

Thou Shalt #1
This concept pretty much covers Religion, Rule of Law, Cultural Norms, Family regulation, and the like. Lots of room for discussion of "Me vs. You", as individuals, neighbors, cultural groups, social groups, ethnic groups, national/regional, and on and on and on.

Overview: Thou Shalt -- YOU not ME! Will do something I deem proper.

Function: Thou Shalt -- defines either the behavior or the concept to establish "acceptable" actions.

HowTo: Very simple in theory -- Obey.
Not so simple -- Obey ALL rules and laws, from everyone, all the time, based on what rules currently apply to you, or will apply to you, or did apply to you. Short list, of simple examples: 10 commandments, 99 names for Allah, ettiquette, netiquette, thoughts you have when you see a cop car in your rearview mirror.

Usefulness: Most SMART people would say -- know the rules so you can bend or break them.


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